Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Well I do it everytime.  I fall of the health Wagon eat way to much junk, drink too much wine and quit running.  Everyone can tell when this happens to me.  My dad asked have you been running?  You see sometimes a Happy pill just isn't enough.  Running is a medicine I need in my life.  I quit smoking January 22nd of this year because I was training for a 1/2 marathon.  Since I haven't been running recently I have smoked about 4 cigarettes.  Well I am jumping back on the wagon back to healthy eating, running and biking for this girl!  and I am ready.

How about you guys? How does taking a break from excercise affect you? Do you feel bad about yourself and start to self destruct like me

Monday, April 11, 2011

Run from the Cops 2011

 April 9, 2011 Run from the Cops 5K To support Rape Crisis/Child Advocacy Center

All right my second 5K and at my usual snail pace I ran this in 33.23 min which is a 10.71 Mile Pace this is a 2minute improvement from my last 5K.  I will continue to train and hope I get faster.  On a side note my 10 year old was bored so he decided he would run with me on Saturday.  Can I say Crushed ego he ran about 3 minutes faster than me and hasn’t trained a day ! Uggghhhhhh!
My Next 5K is scheduled for April 30, 2011 West Texas Loser and then Crude Fest 5K on May7th and in June my first 10K I have a lot of training to do.
Here are some Pictures:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Blood Gusher 2011

O.k. so I finished my First 5K let me just say the results were not what I hoped for turns out I run at a snail’s pace.  35:40 is what it took me to complete the race which is an 11:29 Pace.  I was really shooting for a 10:00 Mile Pace so more training to come my next 5K is Saturday April 30th this is the Final for the West Texas loser.
Speaking of West Texas Loser I did not gain or lose a pound this week which means Yes I suck and dropped from 3rd to 9th place in the competition.  Hubby lost 5 lbs and his holding strong to his 3rd place Rank Go Hubby.
Here are some Pictures

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wow I Forgot I had set up a Blogger account in 2008!

Yikes so I was going to set up a side blog that links to my main blog that would be solely committed to my Journey to become a runner I will post my Running Stats, My Workouts and how I feel here along with upcoming races and so forth excited!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Oil and Gas

I am a huge enthusiast of education and for anyone trying to better their position. I have no patience for stupidity and can't stand left-wing bleeding heart liberals who try to handicap business or speak poorly of capitalism. Everywhere I go I hear people complaining how awful it is that the gas companies are making so much money, and I think to myself: “Hell no it is not, that is the purpose of a company, to make money off a product, and since oil and gas companies primary product is oil and gas, I would say your shit out of Luck if you are looking for a discount. I don’t hear people asking Johnson and Johnson to make less money off baby products.

That being said Governor Richardson (Governor of New Mexico) is complaining that Oil and Gas Companies are not doing enough to help with gas prices. It is remarks like this from people that have a big following that is leading the world in the wrong direction. In New Mexico the oil companies paid $600.00 Million dollars in 2005 alone. In Governor Richardson’s State of the State address he mentioned there was 710 million in the general fund. He did however fail to mention where that money came from. Not to mention the fact that the Great Governor is asking oil and gas companies to contribute 50 million to ease the “strain” caused by gas prices. An alternate theory would be for the great governor to lower the .35-.45 cents per gallon we pay in taxes to the state, but we all know how likely that is to happen.

So far Not So Good

O.k. Why can't I just be one of those people who eats whatever they want??? I absolutly suck at dieting I have no self control and obviously I am so un disciplined I cant even stop shoveling food in my mouth when I know I dont need it, and it is making me unhappy??? How the mind is a funny thing I am a member of weight and and I read peoples blogs everyday. These people telling me how yummy there salad is or whatever come on!!! While I apreciate the motivation no matter how hard I try my salad does not taste like a hamburger and I want a Hamburger!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Starting out

So here it is I am not much of a writer but, I have heard that blogging helps people to stay on task so this is my weight loss journey!!!

A little background 29 year old female married three kids (7) (5) & (8 months). Full time busy professional!!! I have never struggled with my weight blessed I know but my age a child rearing (sp) is catching up with me!!! I was 135 lbs pre pregnancy this last pregnancy I am currently (YIKES) 155 lbs I know I know bad, bad!!! 5"7 and a size 8.

So the method of choice Weight Watchers!!! Seems to be the only diet I have found that I dont have to deprive myself on !!!! Now I am not real sure but it also allows you to cheat for those occccasiional drunken Saturday nights ( prolly the reason I am 155lbs) I can save all my extra 35 points and with beer weighing in at hefty 3 points each I can drink 11 beers(YAY!!!!!) ahhh the little things that make me smile!!!!

So I am starting small with the diet these first few weeks I am using my 15 minute breaks and lunch to walk and change my diet we shall see I will be back to let everryone know how it is working out!!!!